OVI -DUI | Free Consultation: 866.330.6030
Ohio OVI Consequences
Ohio OVI Consequences
OVI Consequences in Ohio Are Some of the Toughest in the Nation
Consequences of an OVI in Ohio Are Some of the Toughest in the Nation
What is at stake if you are convicted for an OVI in Medina County or anywhere in Ohio?
What is at stake if you are convicted for an OVI in Medina County or anywhere in Ohio?
According to Ohio OVI laws, penalties following conviction increase in severity with repeat offenses. You can be arrested for an OVI if you are driving a motor vehicle and over-the-limit levels of alcohol or drugs can be detected in your system.
A first time offense brings:
- Mandatory minimum 3 days in jail or attendance for three days at an approved driver intervention program
- Fines between $375 and $1,075
- 6 points assessed to driving record
- License suspension is now increased from 6 months to 1 year minimum (max 3 years)
- Optional ignition interlock device during license suspension with unlimited driving privileges (anywhere you want to go); if you elect this option, the court may reduce your license suspension by up to one half of the suspension (O.R.C. 4510.022)
- The court will suspend any mandatory jail time imposed for the OVI offense if you elect the ignition interlock option as long as you do not test positive for alcohol [O.R.C. 4511.19(G)(1)(a)(i)]
- Positive test using ignition interlock device or tampering of device may result in imposition of suspended jail sentence; you have right to appeal the notice of violation of ignition interlock within 14 days of being notified; [O.R.C. 4510.46(C)(6)]
- Upon violation of the ignition interlock device, the court may order continuous alcohol monitoring (CAM), double the length of the license suspension, or increase the suspension by sixty days if the violation occurs within the last sixty days of the license suspension (O.R.C. 4510.46)
- If you elect ignition interlock device, you will be required to obtain an “ignition interlock” driver’s license which lists the restriction; if you drive without your restricted license, it is a new charge, a misdemeanor of the first degree, carrying mandatory jail time of three days (O.R.C. 4510.13(F)(3)(a) & 4510.14)
- Lookback period for prior OVI offenses is increased from 6 years to 10 years
The Law Office of David Craig Sheldon takes your charges seriously and understands a conviction can have a big impact on your life, compromising your reputation, driving privileges and career. It can cost you the following:
- Loss of license for a minimum of one year up to a lifetime
- No driving privileges for a minimum of 15 days
- Mandatory fines from $375 to $10,000
- Six points on your license
- Permanent placement on your driving record that cannot be expunged
- Loss of employment
- Loss of your freedom meaning jail
- Participation in driver intervention programs or driver improvement courses
- Time on probation
- Having restricted plates on your car
- Having interlock devices on your car
- Payment of reinstatement fees
- Mandatory treatment programs
- Losing or not being able to use your car
- Being under electronically monitored house arrest (EMHA)
- Being subject to continuous alcohol monitoring (CAM)
In addition to all the consequences listed above, insurance coverage is required to get your driver’s license back. Insurance companies may drop you if you are arrested for drunk driving. If your insurance company continues to cover you or if you have to find a new one, it is likely that you will face high insurance rates.

According to Ohio OVI laws, penalties following conviction increase in severity with repeat offenses. You can be arrested for an OVI if you are driving a motor vehicle and over-the-limit levels of alcohol or drugs can be detected in your system.
A first time offense brings:
- Mandatory minimum 3 days in jail or attendance for three days at an approved driver intervention program
- Fines between $375 and $1,075
- 6 points assessed to driving record
- License suspension is now increased from 6 months to 1 year minimum (max 3 years)
- Optional ignition interlock device during license suspension with unlimited driving privileges (anywhere you want to go); if you elect this option, the court may reduce your license suspension by up to one half of the suspension (O.R.C. 4510.022)
- The court will suspend any mandatory jail time imposed for the OVI offense if you elect the ignition interlock option as long as you do not test positive for alcohol [O.R.C. 4511.19(G)(1)(a)(i)]
- Positive test using ignition interlock device or tampering of device may result in imposition of suspended jail sentence; you have right to appeal the notice of violation of ignition interlock within 14 days of being notified; [O.R.C. 4510.46(C)(6)]
- Upon violation of the ignition interlock device, the court may order continuous alcohol monitoring (CAM), double the length of the license suspension, or increase the suspension by sixty days if the violation occurs within the last sixty days of the license suspension (O.R.C. 4510.46)
- If you elect ignition interlock device, you will be required to obtain an “ignition interlock” driver’s license which lists the restriction; if you drive without your restricted license, it is a new charge, a misdemeanor of the first degree, carrying mandatory jail time of three days (O.R.C. 4510.13(F)(3)(a) & 4510.14)
- Lookback period for prior OVI offenses is increased from 6 years to 10 years
The Law Office of David Craig Sheldon takes your charges seriously and understands a conviction can have a big impact on your life, compromising your reputation, driving privileges and career. It can cost you the following:
- Loss of license for a minimum of one year up to a lifetime
- No driving privileges for a minimum of 15 days
- Mandatory fines from $375 to $10,000
- Six points on your license
- Permanent placement on your driving record that cannot be expunged
- Loss of employment
- Loss of your freedom meaning jail
- Participation in driver intervention programs or driver improvement courses
- Time on probation
- Having restricted plates on your car
- Having interlock devices on your car
- Payment of reinstatement fees
- Mandatory treatment programs
- Losing or not being able to use your car
- Being under electronically monitored house arrest (EMHA)
- Being subject to continuous alcohol monitoring (CAM)
In addition to all the consequences listed above, insurance coverage is required to get your driver’s license back. Insurance companies may drop you if you are arrested for drunk driving. If your insurance company continues to cover you or if you have to find a new one, it is likely that you will face high insurance rates.

Put a former prosecutor to work building an aggressive defense on your behalf
David C. Sheldon, an OVI lawyer in Medina, has built a reputation for successfully representing people in DUI and OVI cases. As a former prosecutor, this experience enables Attorney Sheldon to know the nuances of Ohio DUI and OVI law and the strategies the prosecution will use against you. We are ready to counsel you on your legal options, prepare a strong defense for your charge, and navigate you through the OVI legal process.
Defending people accused of DUI and OVI in Ohio
We can help you understand the consequences and strategies to win if you have been charged or arrested for an OVI. Call The Law Office of David Craig Sheldon at 330.723.8788 or contact the firm online to schedule your free initial consultation today. On any DUI or OVI matter, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.