OVI -DUI | Free Consultation: 866.330.6030
Ohio OVI Driving Privileges
Ohio OIV Driving Privileges
How Will an OVI Affect Driving Privileges in Ohio?
How Will an OVI Affect Driving Privileges in Ohio?
You will need an OVI attorney in Ohio to take action to reinstate your driver's license
You will need an OVI attorney in Ohio to take action to reinstate your driver's license
Protecting your driving privileges in Medina and Northeast Ohio
A driver’s license can be suspended by either the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) or by the court when you have been convicted of an OVI. Certain procedures must be followed for license reinstatement and may vary depending on the reason your driver’s license was suspended.
If you have questions or need to reinstate your driver’s license, call The Law Office of David Craig Sheldon at 330.723.8788 or contact the firm online to schedule your FREE consultation today. On any DUI or OVI matter, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you don’t live in a city with an extensive public transportation system, you may take driving for granted. But imagine what it would be like if that privilege was taken away. How would I get to the store to buy food? What about doctors’ appointments or driving my children to and from school? For some, driving affords more than convenience. A commercial driver, for example, depends on driving for his or her livelihood.
Medina attorney David C. Sheldon is committed to helping you get your driver’s license reinstated or minimizing the effects of your license suspension. You may be able to receive limited driving privileges while your suspension is in force. We understand the huge impact a license suspension may have in your life, especially if your livelihood depends on driving. Until you have followed the reinstatement procedures and have received your new license, you are not permitted to drive even if the suspension has ended. Experienced attorney David C. Sheldon can tell you how to protect your license or minimize the effects of a suspension.

Protecting your driving privileges in Medina and Strongsville
A driver’s license can be suspended by either the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) or by the court when you have been convicted of an OVI. Certain procedures must be followed for license reinstatement and may vary depending on the reason your driver’s license was suspended.
If you have questions or need to reinstate your driver’s license, call The Law Office of David Craig Sheldon at 330.723.8788 or contact the firm online to schedule your FREE consultation today. On any DUI or OVI matter, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you don’t live in a city with an extensive public transportation system, you may take driving for granted. But imagine what it would be like if that privilege was taken away. How would I get to the store to buy food? What about doctors’ appointments or driving my children to and from school? For some, driving affords more than convenience. A commercial driver, for example, depends on driving for his or her livelihood.
Medina attorney David C. Sheldon is committed to helping you get your driver’s license reinstated or minimizing the effects of your license suspension. You may be able to receive limited driving privileges while your suspension is in force. We understand the huge impact a license suspension may have in your life, especially if your livelihood depends on driving. Until you have followed the reinstatement procedures and have received your new license, you are not permitted to drive even if the suspension has ended. Experienced attorney David C. Sheldon can tell you how to protect your license or minimize the effects of a suspension.

License reinstatement procedures in Ohio
A driver’s license can be suspended by either the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) or by the court. Certain procedures must be followed for license reinstatement and may vary depending on the reason your driver’s license was suspended.
According to the Ohio BMV, the requirements for reinstating your license are detailed when you click on one of the following:
- 12 Points
- Administrative License Suspension (ALS) – positive test
- Administrative License Suspension (ALS) – test refusal
- Child support suspension
- Court suspensions
- First offense OVI (DUI)
- Habitual use of alcohol drugs
- High school suspension
- In-state drug related
- Judgments
- Juvenile suspension
- Liquor law (violations)
- Medical (restricted or suspension)
- Noncompliance (crash report/accident/traffic ticket)
- Non-resident violator compact
- Out-of-state alcohol or drug-related offenses
- Operating a vehicle after underage consumption (OVUAC)
- Physical control of a vehicle while intoxicated
- Probationary license suspension/OVI (DUI)
- Probationary license suspension/OVUAC
- Probationary revocations (2 violations)
- Probationary revocations (3 violations)
- Second offense OVI (DUI)
- Security suspension
- Tobacco violation
- Violation of restriction suspension
- Weapon on school property